Value Added Services

Sometimes shipments are received differently than they should be delivered. Our value added services offer a solution. By postponing the customization process you keep your products flexible and optimize the usage of your inventory, save on your transport costs, and you can achieve a faster time to market. 

Value added logistics

Each shipment is different in size and preparation. Jan de Rijk Contract Logistics has extensive experience in executing numerous value added services. From automated packing, kitting and labeling services, to sequencing towards the production line. We’ve got you covered!

  • Re-packing
  • Localization
  • Diagnostics
  • Product labeling
  • Sequencing
  • Return Management (RMA)
  • Kitting
  • Co-packing
  • Quality checks

Transparency & connectivity

With our extensive knowledge and experience in value added services we’re able to provide you with fully integrated logistics solutions. All processes are fully aligned with your IT suite to ensure flawless data reciprocity. With our Warehouse Management System (WMS) online reporting system you can easily and securely see the status of products and orders. Any time of the day you can see which products you have in stock, which products have been sent, which have been returned, and your financial overview.

Together with our customers, we explore the possibilities to add value to their products, but at the same time keeping them flexible in the chain.

value added services - labeling

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